Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A wildcat Strike - or a bad call by IAA ??

First, let's get one thing clear - I do not think that Air Traffic Controllers at Cork, Dublin and Shannon Airports need, or deserve a 6% pay rise. They are already extremely well paid, with a lot of time off and a 34 hour working week. Asking for, and expecting more at a time like this, is crackers.
However, that having been said, I can see why the controllers walked out today. I think that under the circumstances, I would have, too.
Let's look behind the arguments, and see what's actually happened here.
There are a number of issues, including, but not exclusively pay related issues, current being disputed between the ATC staff and their employers, the Irish Aviation Authority.
These issues are scheduled to go before the Labour Court as early, I believe, as next week.
The Labour Court is the accepted forum, is it not, for these matters to be thrashed out?
Why therefore, did the IAA start suspending people, with just days to go to that hearing ???

What was the point of antagonising, or worse still, risking that you inflame an already delicate situation, when the issue is scheduled for a discussion at the proper forum?

Certainly, the decision by the controllers to take such a damaging and sudden strike action, has to be questioned - it had all the hallmarks, as they say, of wildcat militancy - but is it not a fair argument, that maybe, just maybe, the employers brought it on themselves?
As I write, two more workers have been suspended, and there may be another strike in the next few days. It will cause more chaos, and discommode thousands more passengers.

As with todays action, I won't agree with it - but I can see the reasons for it.
Wildcat Strike or a Bad Call by an employer ??
A bit of both, methinks..
(..pic thanks to Irish Times)

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